Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Leg Day at the Gym - 9/10/14

As I've mentioned before, I do not have a gym partner at the moment. Which I don't have a problem with because I like to workout alone; however, this means I don't have anyone to take pictures of my workouts and that is why I am limited to only posting certain workouts. I will do my best to describe the workouts clearly and find well-known names so that they can be googled and so on :)

Today I focused on a lot Quads, because I tend to neglect them. Make sure that you stay sweaty throughout this entire workout. I know that sounds gross but remember if you're sweating that means you're burning calories.

As with any workout I post, don't always stick to the same routine. If you're always repeating the same workouts, your body gets used to the movements and you don't see as much progress as you should be seeing. Something as little as changing the order or your workouts, adding weight, adding drop sets or supersets can optimize your results.

Leg Day Workout
*breaks should be no longer than 40-60 seconds in between sets*

20 Minutes Stairmaster Warm-Up: posted here

- 3x12 Barbell Back Squats - Normal Stance
     + 3x20 Step-Ups on Bench (bring your knee up), once completed go back to squats and finish these two workouts before you move to the next.

- 3x10 Smith Machine Incline Narrow Stance Back Squats (Stand up tall with the bar behind your neck, bring your feet out in front as much as you can and lower into a squat. Use the bar to keep your balance. You want to lower down to the point where it looks like you're sitting in a chair. Use a bench here if you need to.)
     + 3x10 Jumping Leg Lunges (each leg)
 3x10 Smith Machine Incline Wide Stance Back Squats (Same idea as before only now your legs will be much wider and your toes will be pointing outward).
     + 3x10 Jumping Leg Lunges (each leg)

- 3x10 Alternating Leg Press (each leg, one foot at a time)

- 3x10 Hamstring Curls Machine

- 3x10 Thigh Abductor Machine

Well there you have it! You will be sore the next day, I promise. Always make sure you're practicing safe form and never add too much - or TOO LITTLE - weight! Remember if you can do more than 15, you're not lifting heavy enough. And if you can barely do 5, you're lifting too heavy.

Check out my instagram page @lifemeetgym for daily updates!

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