Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Core Workout

In my last post I gave you the steps needed to get a lean core. I mentioned that you can't spend everyday at the gym doing only cardio and abdominal workouts. However, working out your core is still fun (at least I think so) and important once you've lost the body fat!

As much as I love abs I always make sure that I...1, don't work out only abs on any given day (add in cardio as well as shoulder /tricep workout) and 2, that I don't work them out 

This workout you're about to see is something I do about 2-3 times a week (every other day) after a back workout or something light. So just to clarify, I wouldn't recommend you to do only this workout. If you're a beginner go for a run and then try this;
just to make sure that you're burning enough calories.

So here it is...

3 Sets of 20 

1. Side Plank Twist (with or without Dumbbell)

Start in a side plank position, extend your arm all the way up and bring it down slowly as you add a small twist. When your in your plank make sure your arm is directly under your shoulder otherwise your shoulder will HURT really bad after this workout. Feel free to leave out the dumbbell if you find that it's too hard to keep your balance. Keep your core and obliques engaged. 

2. Lemon Squeezer (with or without dumbbell)

Pretend like you have a lemon on your tummy and you're trying to squeeze out all of the juice. I used a dumbbell but it's optional. Sit all the way up and don't let your feet touch the ground (even though my feet are touching in the first picture, whoops). 

3. Plank Raises

Start in a Plank position with your arms extended and lower yourself one arm at a time until you're in a lower plank position.

4. Bicycle Crunches

I'm pretty sure every one has done these before. My pet peeve would be that people never bring their shoulders back down to the ground because that's cheating. Make sure you go all the way back down and then come up again. Take your time!

5. Walk the Dog

I learned this particular exercise from a bootcamp I went to with my aunt. It's very painful (yes that's a good thing) if it's done right. The closer the bent leg is to your body the harder it is. Also make sure your straight leg is held parallel to your bent leg otherwise it's too easy. Simply walk your hands up your leg... 3 separate grabs is fine.

6. Cruches 

Regular crunches with your legs at a 90 degree angle. Make sure your shoulders come up off of the ground. 

7. Russian Twists (with or without dumbbell)

Keep your feet off of the ground and bend your legs slightly while you twist side to side. 

These are just a few favorites and they're perfect for beginners. Enjoy!

And here's a little something to make your heart melt. My sister's puppy wanted a photo shoot with my dumbbell. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

5 Sets of Stop Eating So Much Crap

The number one question I get from people is "what exercises do you recommend to define abs?" Oh if only it were that easy...

I am not writing this post to tell you that core exercises are not important. But the hard truth is that there is so much more to a lean body than just a few crunches.

Here's what you need to do...

1. Eat 100% Clean

I know that 100% throws you back a bit. And you're probably crying thinking about all those cupcakes you're gonna be missing out on. I'm not asking you to start eating 100% clean RIGHT THIS SECOND. The thing about this lifestyle is that you need to ease your way into it. Plan ahead, make rules, and commit yourself. The RIGHT way is to start gradually and promise yourself that you won't give up! Start by cutting out sweets one day at a time (soda and fruit juice will never get you those abs, I promise). Set a goal everyday to eat cleaner meals.

2. Strength Training

Weights will NOT bulk you up. Building muscle is NOT easy. Ladies, do not be afraid of weights at the gym. You won't look like a man. Sure there's a way to be "too muscular" but not if you do it the right way. I've been strength training almost two years and I still haven't gotten anywhere near bulky. Keep in mind that when you're lifting weights you need to do high reps, low weight. If you can do more than 12 reps you probably aren't lifting enough weight. If you're struggling to do 5 reps then go down in weight. HIIT is also very important to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. Simply running on the treadmill will burn fat and muscle. That's right. All that hard work you put in on leg day is slowly diminishing with that 3rd mile you ran on the treadmill. I guarantee you that you'll see flabby legs if all you do at the gym is cardio.

In order to define your core you need to have a low body fat percentage.
Competition Shape ("ripped"): 8-12%
Very Lean (excellent): < 15%
Lean (good): 16-20%

Working out different muscle groups 3-5 times a week will lower your body fat percentage. Only doing crunches every day on the other hand will not. Exercise burns calories evenly. Here's an example of what you should do in a week.

Day 1: Shoulders/Chest/Triceps/Cardio (30 Minutes, HIIT Treadmill or Stairmaster)
Day 2: Biceps/Back (30 Minutes, HIIT Treadmill or Stairmaster)

Day 3: Abs (30 Minutes, HIIT Treadmill or Stairmaster)

Day 4: Legs (30 Minutes, HIIT Treadmill or Stairmaster)

That's a really general plan. You could separate any of the days more if you'd like and if you had more time to make it to the gym. Also keep in mind that you can't keep the same schedule for a long period of time. Change it up so that you catch your body off guard, you don't want to get too comfortable because you'll get bored and you won't see results. 

A final note would be to not over train, and yes that includes your abdominal muscles. Muscles need time to rebuild themselves so that they're stronger. If you're sore, that doesn't mean you avoid the gym that day (unless of course you can't even sit up straight, in that case take break), it just means you need to workout a different muscle group. Never do the same thing one day after the other, instead of building the muscle, you're breaking it ever more. That's no bueno. 

So there you have it. Diet + Exercise (HIIT/Weight Training) = Abs for days.  

Monday, July 21, 2014

Date Milk Recipe

I am so excited to share this recipe because it is one of the easiest, most delicious drinks I've ever made! I love it because it's frothy, gives me a ton of energy and it's even easier to make than a smoothie. You can enjoy this after your workout, after dinner as dessert, and even as a snack.

I totally understand that most people don't go on a special trip to the grocery store to buy dates (but if you do we should be best friends). And why would you? When you look at them they look odd... they're like wrinkly cockroaches. Saying that probably isn't the best way to get you to eat them but give me a chance to explain how amazing they are. 

What's great about them is that they're easily digested so your body has the chance to take in all of its goodness. What kind of goodness? Well for starters its dietary fiber helps clean out your colon and prevent cholesterol absorption (yay). Dates are even higher in potassium than oranges, bananas and spinach providing 20% of your daily recommended value. They're low in fat, high in carbs (which is NOT a bad thing) and provide a decent amount of protein. The benefits are endless!!!

So here is my super easy recipe. 

This is how I personally like to make it. If you don't drink milk you can try almond or coconut milk, I heard it tastes just as good.

Date Milk 

Yields 1 Glass - use the glass to measure out all of the ingredients before you throw it in the blender, this way you won't make too much or add too much water.

- A handful of Medjool Dates (pitted)

- A splash of Vanilla extract.

- 1/4 cup of milk (I use reduced fat)

- Fill the rest of the glass with water

- A few ice cubes


1. Grab the glass you'll be drinking out of.
2. Make sure your dates are pitted, then grab a handful to put in the glass (your glass should be a little more than halfway full).
3. Add 1/4 cup of milk.
4. Add a splash of vanilla extract.
5. Fill the rest of the glass with water/ice cubes.
6. Empty your glass into the blender.
7. Blend thoroughly.


P.S. Follow my instagram page (@lifemeetgym) to leave feed back and even give suggestions!!! 

Friday, July 18, 2014

HIIT Workout - Legs

I mentioned HIIT in my last post, "4 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism". To some people this type of exercise may seem confusing, hard to plan, or even difficult to adapt to (if you workout in a gym); however, with a little effort it's quite easy, fun and quick.

This was my first time having someone take pictures of me working out so I have to warn you they're not perfect. I was in a rush because the sun was going to set in about 10 minutes. These are just the few I was able to get on camera - but don't worry I have a lot more up my sleeve (you'll just have to wait).

Here's what you have to do :)

1. Jumping Jacks -- 1 minute.

2. Alternating Lunges with Squat in the Middle -- 20 reps.
- Start in a lunge position, jump into a squat, back into a lunge on the opposite leg and then back into a squat. That's all one rep!

3. Jog -- 1 minute.

4. One Leg Squat -- 15 reps on each leg.
- Start with one leg in the air and lower into a squat. If you have trouble with this exercise try regular squats (30 reps) or prop your leg on a chair to keep your balance.

5. Jumping Jacks -- 30 seconds.

6. Squat Jumps - 15 reps.
- I used steps. You could use anything that challenges you and that is wide enough so you don't fall back. Start with you legs shoulder length apart and jump up, booty down and jump back down.

-- Take a Break (2-3 minutes) --
Check your heart rate. 

7. Jog -- 30 seconds.

8. Hip Bridge with Leg Raises - 20 reps on each leg.
- Start with you back on a flat surface, one leg bent and the other straight, and lift you hips up while you squeeze your glutes.

9. Jumping Jacks -- 1 minute.

10. Wide Mountain Climbers -- 40 reps -- 20 on each side.
- Start in a plank position and jump your leg out to the sides. Keep your core tight and this way you'll feel you obliques and inner thighs working. If you aren't able to jump into this position just work at your own pace :~)

11. Jog -- 1 minute.

12. Push-Ups with One Leg Raised - 10 reps on each leg.
- Make sure to keep your core tight -- you should feel this in your inner thighs. If this is too difficult try keep both legs down but still at an incline.

13. Jumping Jacks -- 30 seconds.

14. Side Lunges -- 40 reps (20 on each leg).
- Make sure your knee is behind your toe. Other than that this exercise is simple, chest up, lower down, and squeeze.

15. Jog -- 30 seconds.

16. Step Ups -- 20 reps on each leg.
- Start with your leg back (almost like a lunge) and bring your knee up high, then go back down and lunge.

-- Stretch --

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

4 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism

These days everyone (and their mother) wants to lose weight. And an essential building block to getting to your goal weight is definitely speeding up you're metabolism.

1. Drink Water (and green tea)

Being properly hydrated keeps your body functioning the way it needs to! Drinking water and staying hydrated burns calories; isn't that all you really need to know?! Try to drink about 3L a day. Don't go overboard because you don't want to flush out all the good stuff. Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before every meal (including breakfast)and wait an hour or two after you eat to drink again.

Green Tea is also great for speeding up your metabolism. And adding about 1 tbsp of lemon juice per cup intensifies its effects. One thing to keep in mind is that tea actually dehydrates you. If you drink anything but water, drink the same amount of WATER to make up for it. 

2. Break the Fast

The best way to kickstart your metabolism is to have a healthy, hearty breakfast in the morning. If you wait until 2:30 PM to eat your first meal, your metabolism shuts down and goes into Starvation Mode where is stores all of your fat (isn't that what we're trying to avoid?).

3. HIIT -- High Intensity Interval Training

At this point we've all heard about this type of exercise... and I'm sure your question is, "does it work"? I can see why people would be surprised... instead of spending 50 minutes on the treadmill and 3 hours lifting weights you can get your dream with about 40 minutes of high intensity interval training. Errrmahhgawd its a miracle!! But seriously, plan your workout before you go to the gym and try it out for a few weeks. It works I promise!! (Look forward to seeing my workout routine and how I apply HIIT to my daily routine).

4. Add Certain Foods to Your Diet

Protein - lean meats - has a thermogenic effect, which means you actually burn calories while you eat it (about 30% of the calories to be exact).

Whole Grains make your body go through a longer process to actually breakdown the food, so in the end you're burning more calories -- win win! TIP - check the ingredients and make sure WHOLE grain is in the list. If you see "multi-grain" leave it there, that's a way for companies to save money and make you think you're eating healthy.

Studies show that eating spicy peppers that contain Capsaicin can speed up your metabolic rate (about 8%), prevent blood clots and act as a natural anti-inflammatory, and can make you feel fuller so that you eat less. This does not mean that you should have spicy foods for every meal; however eating peppers once in a while can definitely aid in speeding up your metabolism.

Phew, that was a lot. Well you've read enough so I'll leave you with that -- no clever conclusion.