Friday, July 18, 2014

HIIT Workout - Legs

I mentioned HIIT in my last post, "4 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism". To some people this type of exercise may seem confusing, hard to plan, or even difficult to adapt to (if you workout in a gym); however, with a little effort it's quite easy, fun and quick.

This was my first time having someone take pictures of me working out so I have to warn you they're not perfect. I was in a rush because the sun was going to set in about 10 minutes. These are just the few I was able to get on camera - but don't worry I have a lot more up my sleeve (you'll just have to wait).

Here's what you have to do :)

1. Jumping Jacks -- 1 minute.

2. Alternating Lunges with Squat in the Middle -- 20 reps.
- Start in a lunge position, jump into a squat, back into a lunge on the opposite leg and then back into a squat. That's all one rep!

3. Jog -- 1 minute.

4. One Leg Squat -- 15 reps on each leg.
- Start with one leg in the air and lower into a squat. If you have trouble with this exercise try regular squats (30 reps) or prop your leg on a chair to keep your balance.

5. Jumping Jacks -- 30 seconds.

6. Squat Jumps - 15 reps.
- I used steps. You could use anything that challenges you and that is wide enough so you don't fall back. Start with you legs shoulder length apart and jump up, booty down and jump back down.

-- Take a Break (2-3 minutes) --
Check your heart rate. 

7. Jog -- 30 seconds.

8. Hip Bridge with Leg Raises - 20 reps on each leg.
- Start with you back on a flat surface, one leg bent and the other straight, and lift you hips up while you squeeze your glutes.

9. Jumping Jacks -- 1 minute.

10. Wide Mountain Climbers -- 40 reps -- 20 on each side.
- Start in a plank position and jump your leg out to the sides. Keep your core tight and this way you'll feel you obliques and inner thighs working. If you aren't able to jump into this position just work at your own pace :~)

11. Jog -- 1 minute.

12. Push-Ups with One Leg Raised - 10 reps on each leg.
- Make sure to keep your core tight -- you should feel this in your inner thighs. If this is too difficult try keep both legs down but still at an incline.

13. Jumping Jacks -- 30 seconds.

14. Side Lunges -- 40 reps (20 on each leg).
- Make sure your knee is behind your toe. Other than that this exercise is simple, chest up, lower down, and squeeze.

15. Jog -- 30 seconds.

16. Step Ups -- 20 reps on each leg.
- Start with your leg back (almost like a lunge) and bring your knee up high, then go back down and lunge.

-- Stretch --

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