Monday, October 6, 2014

What I Ate Today

Since I've been getting lots of questions from my wonderful readers about what I eat on a daily basis, I decided this would be both a fun and informative blog post.

I try my best to eat nutritious meals everyday but I am not perfect. I am not trying to lose any weight so I do not count calories I just make sure I get the daily recommendation for most vitamins/minerals. This is an approximation most of the time because I don't feel the need to obsess over these things. I started following a blog this summer, The Balanced Blonde, who once called herself "The Blonde Vegan". She has a post where she mentions her diagnosis of Orthorexia Nervosa, which is the obsession of healthy eating. As a very strict Vegan with lots of fans and supporters all over the world, when she announced that she was transitioning away from veganism, she definitely received more attention (mostly negative and hateful) than she wanted. Her post, "Why I'm Transitioning Away from Veganism" made me realize that the amount of stress I was putting on myself was not healthy at all. It's funny how that worked, I was obsessed with eating healthy but it was destroying my confidence, self esteem, and so many other things. It is hard to not spend an unnecessary amount of time in the peanut butter aisle trying to see which is the most natural option, but in order to have a healthy body you must have a healthy mind. To not blow this whole thing out of proportion let me just say that my goal now is to just find a balance. I try my best to put healthy foods into my body but I won't be the only person that doesn't eat when I go out with a group of friends.

Well that rant was a lot longer than I wanted it to be but here's what I ate today!

Breakfast 7:30 am

Grabbed a quick snack before I left the house and grabbed my water bottle of course!

Pre-workout Snack 10am

Enjoyed a pear after class. I wasn't very hungry so I didn't want to make myself eat so that I didn't feel weighed down during my workout. Listen to your body... Who else eats pears from the top?

Post-workout Lunch 1:30pm

OMG I was so excited about this. I had a bunch of frozen fruit from last week so I made this beautiful  concoction. I blended almond milk, bananas, and strawberries. On top I sprinkled flax seeds, chia seeds, oatmeal, and added some kiwi slices. It was wonderful and definitely filled me up!

Dinner 5:30pm

Made a simple dinner with some sautéed veggies (onions, red pepper, asparagus), added some soy chicken strips, with brown rice couscous. It was delicious with just the right amount of crunch from the veggies.

Snack around 7:30pm

Sat down to watch a movie with my boyfriend to watch a movie and snacked on some pumpkin seeds.

Hope that gives you a good idea of how you should be eating. Remember, even though I am not trying to lose weight if you're transitioning from an unhealthy diet this is a great example for what you should be eating. If you haven't noticed I love eating fruit, some might say it's too much sugar but I do try to stay away from fruits after lunch... for the most part.

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