Friday, August 22, 2014

Guilt-Free Peanut Butter Cups

I've never been so in love with a healthy dessert, I promise you'll love this! When I made this stuff I immediately had my friends and family try it because I was so pleased! It's the perfect amount of chocolate to suppress my cravings and its so rich that I can never eat more than one, which keeps me on track.

If you read my "Challenge #2: Go Nuts" post, and you've been trying to incorporate nuts into you meals this dessert will work great! It gives you the right amount of nutrition and sweetness. Also whats great about my Peanut Butter Cups is you can make a huge batch and not have to worry about it going bad.

As far as the cocoa powder goes, it's up to you whether or not you'd like to get it unsweetend/sweetened. Make sure you're buying organic or just a brand you can trust. With all the marketing out there these days you can be pressured into buying something that "speeds up your metabolism" or has a "great amount of antioxidants" but if you want my advice, do your research because this ingredient is great to keep in the kitchen for any healthy recipes. 

Guilt-Free Peanut Butter Cups


2 Cups of Peanut Butter (unsweet)
2 tbsp Coconut Oil (melted)
1 tbsp Honey

1/2 Cup Cocoa Powder
1 tbsp Honey (add more if needed)
1/3 Cup Coconut Oil (melted)
1/4 Cup Organic Vegan Chocolate Chips (optional)


1. Mix all the ingredients for the peanut butter half: peanut butter, coconut oil, and honey. Place in a muffin try and let it sit in the freezer for about 10-15 minutes. 

2. Mix all of the ingredients for the chocolate half: cocoa powder, coconut oil, honey, and vegan chocolate chips. Once everything is completely mixed, grab the pan out of the freezer and add the new layer. Place back into the freezer for another 20 minutes until they're completely frozen. Enjoy!!

My PB Cups have chopped dates in some which I actually liked a lot. This is easy to mess around with you can add a lot of things and even get rid of some, it's all up to you. I hope you guys try these out and love them as much as I do!

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